Central Valley Salmon Habitat Partnership
Working together for salmon and steelhead habitat restorationThrough science-based objectives and prioritized actions to implement them, the Salmon Partnership will advance recovery and maintenance of viable, self-sustaining spring-run and winter-run Chinook salmon and Central Valley steelhead populations, and also help restore and maintain robust and commercially and recreationally viable numbers of fall-run and late-fall Chinook salmon, in perpetuity for the benefit of those species and the public. The Salmon Partnership focuses on the conservation and management of wild, native salmon and steelhead, but integrates the needs of other native fish species as well.
The Partnership brings existing salmon and steelhead recovery efforts together, prioritizing projects to support the rapid rebound of these native fish populations.
The CVSHP will develop an Implementation Plan that relies on the best available science to identify priority restoration projects to support a variety of habitat types for salmon and steelhead. The Plan will ensure that funding is used efficiently by coordinating efforts among government agencies, conservation groups, water suppliers, and private landowners to ensure projects are prioritized to maximize benefits to salmon and steelhead in the Central Valley.
By working across disciplines, Partnership members provide expertise on a broad range of issues, from scientific study to securing permits for habitat restoration. This cross-disciplinary approach allows the Partnership to move from concept to implementation quickly and efficiently to benefit struggling fish populations

Our Team
The Central Valley Salmon Habitat Partnership brings together diverse partners to support salmon and steelhead recovery in the Central Valley. From state and federal agencies to conservation organizations to farmers, water agencies, and fishermen, the Partnership brings the major stakeholders to the same table to identify, prioritize and implement actions that will restore habitat to support diverse and abundant salmon and steelhead populations.
While the plan is being developed, the Partnership also will promote and help implement select projects that are in line with our mission.